Are Home Insurance Claims Public Record?

If you’re looking for home insurance, selling your house, shopping for a home, or thinking about making an insurance claim, it’s important to know how the details of claims are reported. This information isn’t only available to your current insurer. Other individuals and businesses in Eureka, MO may have access to it, and you might be able to learn about claims made by home sellers.

Is It Public Record?

Your record of home insurance claims is similar to your credit report. When you apply for a new policy, an insurer can check for information about prior claims. They do so by obtaining your Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange report. Real estate agents can request this data from home sellers and share it with potential buyers.

Home and auto claims appear on a CLUE report regardless of whether the insurer approves or denies them. The information includes dates, loss types, claim amounts, and other facts. You can review your report once each year for free. This allows you to look for mistakes and request any needed corrections.

Buying a House

Claim data isn’t only useful to insurance carriers. This information could benefit you when you’re looking for a home to purchase. Ask a real estate agent to request claim data on a house you’d like to buy. This may help you learn about risk levels and prior damage and repairs. However, you’ll need the seller’s permission.

If you own or plan to buy a home in Eureka, MO, the experienced professionals at Focus Insurance can help you obtain the proper coverage. Our independent agency has served the area for over two decades, and we offer policies from more than fifteen trusted insurers. Please call 866-241-7015 or 636-391-3900 to request a quote from Focus Insurance today.